Trucking For Christ – September 2022

Trucking for Christ

“Pray for this ministry and yours”

We have been busy at the Truck stop, doing a lot of witnessing, counseling, giving out many Gospel tracts, free King James Bibles, and wrestling spiritually with people filled with the world, the flesh, and the devil!

But in the midst of all these battles going on, many Christian truck drivers have been blessed greatly by our being here. We often encourage Christian truck drivers to pass out tracts and witness to other truckers wherever they go. We give them tracts and King James Bibles to make sure they are armed with the weapons of Christian warfare.
Our being here is not only getting people saved, but strengthening many already saved, but are starving for Christian fellowship.

More good news is that the Lord has brought a real soul winner here to help us to win souls. Please include Tony Cruz, a Christian Air Force veteran in your prayers. He has been in a lot of action over the last few years. Tony is a real patriot and loves America.

We don’t have much longer to serve the Lord before the Rapture takes place. The left-wing, Communist, antichrist bunch of reprobates, who subverted the last election, are turning America into a cesspool of immorality, filth, and abominations as fast as they can!! The Democrat Communist Party stands for everything that God hates! This country needs to turn back to God, and ask Jesus to save us!

Pray for this ministry and yours, that God meets our needs. Thank you and God Bless You! 🙂 Tell others about Jesus and getting saved!!! Now is the time!

Pastor Hal Larson


Doers of the Word Baptist Church

14781 Sperry Rd

Newbury, Oh 44165

(330) 610-3174

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