
Unlike most churches, WRWL Ministries is NOT a 501C3 corporation. We do not have any corporate sponsors and we are NOT indebted to corporations or government agencies. This allows us to spread the Word of God without compromise. 100% of our donations are from people like you! Your generosity allows us to spread The Word around the world!

We now accept Crypto Donations in Bitcoin, Ethereum, Cardano, Chainlink, and Cosmos. Polkadot and several other cryptos.

Click here for more info on Crypto Donatations.


Click the yellow Donate button below for Credit card or Paypal Donations.

Click the Donate button above for Paypal or Credit Cards or mail checks to the address listed below.

Thanks for your continued support! 

WRWL Ministries
14781 Sperry Rd.
Newbury, Oh  44065