Our newsletters

Our monthly newsletter contains updates from Pastor Hal's "Trucking for Christ"
and news from our radio shows and weekly sermons.

Please sign up for our free monthly newsletters and share them with friends and family.

Unlike most churches, WRWL Ministries is not a 501c corporation. We do not have any corporate sponsors and we are NOT indebted to corporations or government agencies. This allows us to spread the Word of God without compromise. 100% of our donations are from people like you! Your generosity allows us to spread The Word around the world!

Newsletters are online and can be viewed in 3D format.

Click on the cover page below to view the current Newsletter.

Use the Left/Right arrows on the menu or sides of your computer screen to flip through the pages.

You can view it in full-screen mode by selecting the Full-screen button in the menu. () after newsletter loads.