Trucking For Christ – May 2022

Trucking for Christ

“God led me in here!” he said

This is what Eduardo, a tractor-trailer driver from South America, said to me after he heard the Gospel and got saved.  Eduardo had been brought up a Roman Catholic, but his soul had always stayed hungry for the real bread of life! And we know who that bread is; the Lord Jesus Christ! (John 6:35)! He had learned things about the Bible, but never really knew how to be saved, and know it for sure.  Thank God that we have a KNOW SO Salvation! (1 John 5:13).

Eduardo needed a King James Bible, and I gave him one. He told me that he has an unsaved 19-year-old daughter who needs to be saved. So we prayed for her to get saved, and I gave him some tracts to give her, and a Bible for her too. Someone had donated some King James Bibles to the Truckers ministry, and they are really coming in handy! The King James is God’s preserved words!

Do you know what idolatry is? First of all, it is something that God hates. It is not just worshipping, or praying to statues (idols) as Buddhists, Catholics, and others often do, but  Idolatry is replacing God’s will or things with your own, or someone else’s.

Do you know that many Christian pastors, teachers, and Christian radio stations are guilty of very bad idolatry?!! The other day, I heard a nationally known Christian radio station say, “Where the Word of God is, there is Liberty!” But then they turned around and started reading out of corrupt perversions of the Bible, which is IDOLATRY!  That is also known as APOSTACY. Apostacy is when a person, place, or group which once stood for the truth, leaves that stand and goes into error. Most Christian book stores have also gone into apostacy, and sell any old perversion of the Bible that they can make money on!  “For we are not as many, which corrupt the word of God: but as of sincerity, but as of God, in the sight of God, speak we in Christ” (2 Cor.2:17). This means using only Christ’s preserved words (KJV)!

The Holy Spirit of God works with God’s words, not the counterfeits. The devil has counterfeit bibles, counterfeit Christs, and counterfeit plans of salvation! Regretfully, even many popular radio pastors are using the modern counterfeit perversions. Many versions stray from the King James in thousands of places! One modern version even used a lesbian on their revision committee! These versions are just the old perversions reprinted. No born-again Christian, who loves God’s Word/s should give one cent to any ministry that has strayed from the King James, into the devil’s counterfeits! Apostacy starts with forsaking God’s Word/s. May Trucking For Christ always stay true to God’s Word and His plan of salvation. Thanks for your help and prayers for others to get saved like Eduardo 🙂   

Pastor Hal Larson

John 14:6


Po Box 3564

Boardman, Oh  44513

(330) 610-3174

1 thought on “Trucking For Christ – May 2022”

  1. It is not right to attack Catholics. Catholics do not pray to idols. Do Priests for Life pray to idols, for example?
    You can bring people to Jesus without attacking others who also believe in Him. In this case, you are incorrect and need to study the faith before you assume that you know how it is practiced by people who are as completely Christian as you are.
    I am not Catholic, but I have read enough about it to immediately see you are misinformed about true Catholocism and its correct teachings. Please don’t assume a lack of knowledge about one’s own faith (such as the man you speak about in the recent newsletter) means that the belief they have is anything but incorrect or misinformed before you attack with such misinformation yourself.

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