The religious left chimes in on Roe vs. Wade

Satanists vow to fight for their civil right to abortion. It is alarming that satan is vying for religious liberties, but it pales compared to the pro-abortion stance of mainstream Christian churches.

Mainstream Christian churches support abortion

Rabbi Sarah DePaolo expressed disappointment –

“One of the most upsetting things about this decision is that while it claims to represent people of faith, it does not represent our faith,” DePaolo said. “It does not reflect our Jewish law. It does not reflect our traditions. It does not reflect our community.”

 Rev. Fletcher Harper at the Episcopal Church of Our Saviour

Outlawing abortion is a sinful act that perpetuates male domination and the subjugation of women,” he said. “It extends the coercive power of the state into a place where it should have no business.

Unitarian Universalist Church of the South Hills in Mt. Lebanon, Pennsylvania director of music Mary Pratt read a denominational statement  –

 Affirming their commitment to “reproductive rights justice”  and this ruling is another reminder of “why we need to get back out and fight.”

Christians should be ashamed to admit that Satanists are more true to the word of their deity than these abominable Christian leaders. They are shepherding their flocks straight to the gates of hell. The deepest bowels of hell await those who purport to represent God Almighty and lead His sheep astray.

Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! – Isaiah 5:20

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