The Mules in our Nursing Homes

As a result of Dinesh D’Souza’s “2000 Mules Documentary,” criminal investigations are commencing.

Arizona county sheriff to initiate 2020 fraud investigation! Charges include Impersonation fraud, False registrations, Duplicate voting & fraudulent use of absentee ballots.

The mules were busy filling out ballots for incapacitated nursing home residents in Wisconsin, prompting the Racine County Sheriff’s Department to investigate record levels of fraud. 

"Election statute was in fact not just broken, but shattered by members of the Wisconsin elections Commission"

What can you do besides contacting your elected officials? Truethevote trains citizens for election integrity, signature verifications, and becoming an election observer. Prepare NOW so we can ensure EVERY LEGAL vote counts. Remember, one illegal vote wipes out YOUR right to vote. Please visit them at Truethevote Training

SIGN UP to do YOUR part to clean up YOUR voter rolls and ensure YOUR right to vote is not CANCELLED out by an illegal vote. Go to and sign up for the free voter registration classes AND review local voter rolls. Select “GET INVOLVED” and select the IV3 project. Also enroll in the Training Program. The democrats have set the precedence for massive voter fraud in 2020. Act NOW to reverse this travesty or forever lose your right to vote.

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