Pastor Ernie Sanders Sunday Sermon 08/28/22 – God will cancel the cancel crowd

Pastor Ernie Sanders discusses the Book of Revelation and the fate of the cancel crowd. The so-called woke crowd will wish they were asleep when eternal judgment is meted out. Unfortunately, we must deal with their transgressions and be diligent in the fight over good and evil.

If your church doesn’t offer biblically based guidance on the many issues we face daily, find a new church. Your eternal salvation is hanging in the balance.

Pastor Sanders connects the dots between The Bible and our modern-day issues and reminds us we must never concede to evil and always keep fighting the fight.

Islamic empire building
NY Empire State building lit up for islamic Eid-el-fitr
"But I fear lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtlety, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ. For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit which ye have not received, or another gospel which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with him."
2 Corinthians
11 3:4

1 thought on “Pastor Ernie Sanders Sunday Sermon 08/28/22 – God will cancel the cancel crowd”

  1. Urgent: ref. to a Lift Rescue Prayer.
    To: Pastor Joe & Pastor Ernie Sanders
    When I was Jesus’ prophetess (2004-2011), Jesus said, HE been waiting for over 2,000 yrs for a saved person to do a Lift Rescue Prayer. God said, “HE want to show Mercy for all the Not saved people that were burning in Satanic fires (2 sites – hell & out sun) & forever (future) in the Lake of fire. Jesus said there is another message in Jude 1:23 “pull them out of the fire.” How? 1. Let God & armies angels war Satan (total), bind them (Matthew 18:18), & force Satan to SURRENDER ALL not saved human souls to Jesus. 2. Empty out Hades-hell, out-sun, & God will grab these human souls after Satan surrender them. 3. Jesus said, HE will create a new world forever for them because they don’t fit into holy heaven nor earth. 4. God said HE will show Mercy & restore them if anyone needs arms, legs, face, eyes, ears, speech etc. Also can youth them to 25 years old. But saved people must Ask God if this data is true, & pray a Lift Rescue Prayer. 5. The New World, need housing, zoo, sports, schools, islands, boats, cars, churches, Holy angels cops, holy judges, maybe jail, foods, stores, sea, lakes, amusement parks etc. 6. Visitation, reunion, if holy saved has kin in that new world forever, pray & ask Jesus for holy Kin to visit kin in that new
    world that Jesus created. Jesus said HE want to show Mercy & God did all this in 2008-9. I was the 1st person that prayed a Lift Rescue. God won, God did it. This was my message when I was Jesus prophetess, but I had a fall & lost that prayer. People (not saved) returned back to fire fate. I tried to tell the saints for 10yrs plus. Some believe God when Jesus confirmed this data. We need Lifts Rescues. Ask Jesus & Holy Spirit if this is true & run. God does the impossible (Mark 9:23, Matt. 21:22, 7:7. God want to make a place for them, new world forever vs. fire (Rev. 20:11), God said that Lake of fire was only for Satan but saved people didn’t pray Lift them-people out from fire fates. (Matt. 25:41). Satan put some people in the sun, Out in space= out. John 12:31, 6:37. Ask Jesus why HE uses the word ‘Lift Up”, there is another message, an order to do. Ask & pray this data, truths.

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