Good news from that state up north!

Buckeye fans from The Great State of Ohio are suffering from cognitive dissonance after the Wolverine head coach's bold support for our children. We now find ourselves in the uncomfortable position of showering praise and support on a member from that school up north.
Jim Harbaugh boldly support our children

“I believe in having the courage to let the unborn be born,” Harbaugh said. “I love life. I believe in having a loving care and respect for life and death. My faith and my science are what drive these beliefs in me.”

Jim Harbaugh –  07/17/22

Of course, the bloodthirsty liberals are up in arms and trying to cancel Jim for his pro-life views. “Jim needs to shut up and keep his personal beliefs to himself” they declare. Freedom of speech only applies to members of the anti-God, anti-American, and anti-Family dregs of society like colin kaepernick, lebron james, and megan rapinoe.

THREE CHEERS for Jim Harbaugh and  God Bless him for actually having the courage to state the obvious. Woody Hayes would be impressed. Dare we say “Jim Harbaugh is Buckeye tough”?

Of course, our goodwill and adoration ends on November 26th, 2002 at 12:00 PM……………..

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