ACTION REQUIRED – Supreme Court ruling

vote fraud
"Providence has given to our people the choice of their rulers, and it is the duty, as well as the privilege and interest of our Christian nation, to select and prefer Christians for their rulers."
Supreme Court Judge John Jay
Supreme Court Chief Justice -
John Jay - 1890

We are PLEADING with our Supreme Court to PLEASE address our corrupted election system before it’s too late. Brunson vs. Alma S. Adams asks the Supremes to hold our members of congress accountable for thier dereliction of duty during the fraudulent elections in 2020. All it takes it two enevelopes, stamps and pieces of paper. Print the attached letter expressing your support for Brunson vs. Alma S Adams, et al and send it off to The Supreme Court and one goes to Loy & Raland Brunson. DO THIS SOON as the deadline is January 6th, 2023.

All you have to lose is a couple of stamps and envelopes. Doing NOTHING will result in losing your right to vote.

 CLICK HERE to Download form ( .pdf ) 

Address (1) envelope to : Supreme Court of the United States, 1 First Street, NE, Washington, DC 20543

Address (1) envelope to : Loy & Raland Brunson, 4287 South Harrison # 132, Ogden, UT 84403

(You might include $ 1.00 also as the Brunson boys have spent a lot of time & money in the last 2 years)

The Brunson brothers JOURNEY can be found HERE. What remarkable young men! 

 Or watch short video below.

God gave us the right to vote. Doing NOTHING will allow man to take it away.

16 thoughts on “ACTION REQUIRED – Supreme Court ruling”

  1. Unfortunately, the second petition was denied. They will file their final petition and hope the third time will be a charm, in God’s own time. Keep them and America in your prayers.

    Brunson update


    1. It’s so hard to believe that SCOTUS having the power in their hands, does nothing to help the present condition that our country: the Great USA, finds itself in. Because of extreme corruption never before seen: banks & businesses are closing, the economy is in extremely poor condition, our borders are wide open to criminals, the Biden regime is giving away millions to Ukraine, instead of helping American citizens when disasters strike, our children are being taught perverseness and critical race theory in our schools, we are on the brink of WW III, and on and on. Apparently, our supreme court justices lack of a righteous decision and action do not realize that ultimately it will affect them personally, in some way or another, or maybe they have been compromised, or perhaps they are afraid to take action because of possible repercussions? All we can do is: keep praying for God to intervene on our behalf.

      1. The Supreme court has been the MOST disappointing branch of government over the years. We must be honest and realize a majority of them have been appointed by republicans. They don’t interpret the constitutionality of laws, rather they legislate from the bench and create laws and rights out of thin air ( Everson vs. BOE, Engel vs. Vitale, Roe vs. Wade, Obamacare, etc ) And when they have the opportunity to rectify the most corrupt election in our history, they shirk their duty. Sickens me to be in the same country with the Godless arbiters of what’s right or wrong with our country. Like our executive and legislative branches, they are corrupted to the core.

  2. Do letters from outside of America help.
    I am a UK citizen living in Portugal.
    Here envelopes have to have a return address.

    1. Unfortunately, our public servants don’t listen to American citizens half the time. Oddly enough former Supreme Court justice Ruth Ginsberg declared years ago that she doesn’t base her decisions on The Constitution alone but also international law. Feel free to send letters in as it can only bolster our concern over fair and honest elections.

      1. OK will do
        Although with the usual Xmas postal chaos, I hope it arrives in time…but then miracles can happen
        I wish you success in your endeavours.


    1. Please sign the bottom of the letters so they know it’s from a real person. You don’t have to use a return label for a level of anonymity.


    1. I sent my two letters in, one to the Supreme s, and a copy to the Brunsin brothers; you brother’s have sand in your craw, and that is a good thing. Semper Fi Bros. TX

      1. Thanks for supporting the good brothers. They’ve worked on this for two years and it’s nice to see people support them and fight for our country.

      1. Yes, this way they’ll know it’s from an American citizen. I’m hoping if they get inundated with enough letters, they’ll be forced to take the case and hopefully rule accordingly.

  4. Are you putting the form letter to the supreme court on the case with the Brunson brothers Jan 6. We need that up before we run out of time.

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