A Call to ALL Pastors

Trucking for Christ

To all BIBLE-BELIEVING Churches :

“Is there not a cause?”

We are living in the Laodicean church age. The characteristic of most churches in these last days is marked by apostasy in the pulpits and apathy in the pews. As a result of the churches losing their ‘salt’, anarchy reigns in our streets, and corruption thrives in our government!

We, as Christians, will have to give an account at the Judgment Seat of Christ for our cowardness and indifference regarding the battle for souls, and the saving of the lives of babies, both the preborn and the newborn. Many reprobate politicians even promote the cold-blooded homicide of healthy newborn babies!! My question is, “Where is the church of the living God while all this carnage is going on?” The blood of these children cries from the ground, and even from the sewers, where their innocent blood flows after being murdered by the butchers at Planned ‘Predators’, and other satanic places like them! Where are the born-again Christians, like YOU?

We at Doers of the Word Baptist church need your help NOW. Pastor Ernie Sanders and his people have been fighting the abortion business for over 45 years. We have gotten many abortion clinics closed down, and have saved the lives of over 24, 000 babies in all those years, to the glory of God!. Thank You, Lord Jesus!! Doers of the Word Baptist Church have had their people standing in front of local abortion clinics every Tuesday and Friday, from about 10:00am-noon, talking pregnant women out of killing their precious babies. ABORTION IS NOT HEALTH CARE, IT IS HOMICIDE. 

But we are now at the point where we crucially need the help of other Bible-believing churches, pastors, and born-again Christians to help us save these lives for Jesus. Most of our people are now in their 70s. We need men and women to volunteer in this battle and help us continue for Jesus. We need you to call Pastor Sanders at 440-897-9092. If all you can do is come hold up a sign in favor of letting babies live, that would be a great help, and pleasing to the Lord. And at the Judgment Seat of Christ, you will be glad you did, as well as every time you help save a baby’s life that day.  Pastors, PLEASE rally your congregations to help, and Christians that hear of this need,

PLEASE let the Pastor hear from you today!

Pastor Hal Larson

John 14:6


Po Box 3564

Boardman, Oh  44513

(330) 610-3174

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