How you can prevent 4.8 Million illegal votes

Truethevote conducted an exhaustive investigation where they tracked operatives’ cell phone data as they collected ( harvested ) ballots. Video footage corroborates depositing these illegal ballots in drop boxes. Thanks to Truethevote and the Epoch Times for their research.  

If this is not corrected, there’s no need to vote anymore. Contact your state and local elections officials, sheriff’s office, and your state and federal representatives. Demand an end to this destructive assault on our elections and our country. ONE illegal vote  CANCELS your right to vote. Watch the short video below and see how YOU can put an end to this. 

What can you do besides contacting your elected officials? Truethevote trains citizens for election integrity, signature verifications, and becoming an election observers. Prepare NOW so we can ensure EVERY LEGAL vote counts. Remember, one illegal vote wipes out YOUR right to vote. Please visit them at Truethevote Training

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