Trucking For Christ

Trucking for Christ

“WOW, this is unbelievable”, he said

That was the response of the first truck driver that I gave a Chick Publications Gospel tract to last Sunday. His father had been a truck driver when Jim was just a kid. His dad always brought Chick Gospel tracts home, and his son was always looking forward to them.  

Chick Gospel tracts are probably the best soul winning tracts in America, if not the world. They use cartoon characters representing every aspect of life, who hear the Gospel and get saved, or reject it and die lost. Every tract is loaded with King James Bible verses, which back up the message being said, or done in these tracts. They are for all ages, and have a sinners prayer at the back of every tract. God has used these tracts for many years to get hundreds of thousands saved, all over the world, and in many different languages. 

These tracts meant a lot to Jim, who had not seen them in many years. He was in his late 20’s now, and driving a truck himself. These tracts had been used to get him saved when he was just a kid. It was like his dad getting those tracts to him all over again! 🙂  I gave him a bunch to take with him and give to other truckers. 

After he left, a married couple came by. They were already saved and took a real liking to those Chick tracts, too.  They were in a hurry to take a load someplace, but they were glad to see that we have a truckers chapel here, and they are going to try and get back. They, also, asked for Gospel tracts to take with them.  Arming the saints with Christian ammunition, as well as getting others saved, is all part of an effective soul winning ministry. 

Seven people got saved a few Sundays ago; Two truckers, three adults, and two children about 12 years old. 

Many truckers come through Truck World, here in Hubbard , Ohio. There are truckers coming here that might be so depressed, they are on the verge of suicide! I have counseled those whose marriages are breaking up and don’t know which way to turn. Many truckers who go to church think their good works or church membership will save them. I have witnessed to people in the cults and the occult. Satanists, alcoholics, drug dealers and drug heads. The same Gospel can save any of them, and has! Praise the Lord! We also give them free King James Bibles, and tell them how to grow as a new Christian. Salvation is open to all who repents (Luke13:3), and turns to Jesus for salvation {Rom. 10:13), receiving  him as the only one who can save them (John 14:6). His Blood washes away our sins (Eph. 1:7), and gives us eternal life! (John 3:15&16). 

Thanks for your fervent prayers for this ministry, and their souls. May God reward you greatly!  “Be blessed!


Pastor Hal Larson

Luke 14:23


C/O Doers of the Word Baptist Church

Po Box 3564

Boardman, Oh  44513

(330) 610-3174

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